Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sweet Potatoes


Last Sunday I went with a group from Taga Church of Christ to the farm land of one of its members. There were 12 rows of sweet potatoes that needed to be dug up from the ground. There were 8 of us including Bryan and his girlfriend Minako. When we got there we started a fire in a pit that burned as we dug up the potatoes. Then about half way through we all picked out a few to wrap in foil and bury in the coals of the fire. Then when we finished digging all the potatoes we took a break and went over to the fire. After letting them cool, we each broke open the potatoes and ate them. There was one type that had a purple type meat inside and was sweet, but the yellow meated potato was just like eating from the thanksgiving bowl. It didn't need butter, brown sugar or anything.....delicious! This is a tradtion in Japan and for Taga church as well. They all told stories of last year and the year before. It stuck me that the Church of Christ is the same here as it is at home. A bunch of people looking for an excuse to eat. Sorry couldn't resist that. I'm talking about people helping other people, and as I was digging up these potatoes I realized something. God intends for us to be involved in the life of other people. Of course this was right after I thought why am I not at my hotel by the indoor pool ? Several people there that day couldn't speak English and I speak very little Japanese. But during this time no translation was needed as we all were focused on helping that church memeber harvest his crop. I was working with a lady who was a friend of the Taga minister ( spoke no engllish ) and we dug potatoes and threw dirt at the others. Another woman there was 92 years old, and she out worked us all! When we took a break to eat the potatoes she got onto everyone for stopping. She as well needed no translator to communicate how much she enjoyed what she was doing and how much she loved all of us for helping. I thought that as I was doing this some group at Woodland West was making visits or doing the Trunk or Treat or something nobody knew about. The location didn't matter, what did matter was that God's people are involved in the life of others. Too serious here....sorry I will write something funnier next time.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hey Scott--you're allowed to be serious once in a while! And you're right--being involved in others' lives is what it's all about. It took me a long time to learn that lesson, but I get it now. Thanks for sharing the events of your day. (BTW: Your joke about a bunch of people looking for an excuse to get together and eat was funny!)