Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It is beginning to get wild here now. The project we are working is really in full swing. We are making this company work 7 days a week, so we are coming in to support each day as well. So Sunday before last was a day where I and my two local employees decided to take the afternoon off. We decided to drive to Mt. Fuji as we do have a car. It is about a 90 minute drive and we stopped along the way to eat dinner. As we ate we noticed some clouds coming in and were disappointed that we would not be able to see it clearly. As we were finished eating we noticed that the clouds were lifting a bit and so we quickly paid and made a mad dash to the car. We then drove the rest of the way ( 20 mins ) and arrived about 30 mins prior to sunset. Of course we didn’t drive up to it; however there was a nice spot with a parking lot and lots of room to look. It’s not like you had to be right next to it to see it. I will simply tell you that I think it was the most incredible thing I have ever seen. Clearly Madeline Murray O’Hare never saw Mt. Fuji! Anyone who could look at this and still be an atheist needs a swift kick. It was awesome because the sun was going down and while we stood there until it got dark we saw the sky around the mountain turning orange. The orange sky around this 14,000 ft elevation mountain half covered in snow was simply awesome. Now as we stood there we all realized that we drove to this spot from the office without going by the hotel and none of the three of us had our cameras. Then we all reach for the trusty cell phones, which of course have a camera…..whoops, wait …..we all have prepaid phones and not all prepaid phones have cameras. Well none of ours did. So here we are in Japan, with more cameras per capita than any where else in the world, and we three dummies are without cameras. We had a seriously good laugh out of that. But I will tell you that I am now almost glad we didn’t as I will never forget that image in my mind. There was a small city at the base of the mountain, with a huge lake to one side and this mammoth mountain towering over everything. Half way up reaching all the way to the top was snow covering it. As it got dark the snow actually kind of lit up the mountain itself. Nobody talked much, we just stood there looking. I thought to myself how awesome creations of God are, and how lucky I was to be there at that moment, even without a camera. Take that Madeline!!!


Andrea said...

Well, I got a serious laugh out of your "more cameras per capita" story too! But you know what? You're right--any photo you might have taken could NEVER have matched the memory you came away with. What a great story, and I'm glad the weather (and God, of course) cooperated. Ol' Madeline sure missed the boat, huh?

Andrea said...

Oh, and thanks for the compliment about my blog. Of course, you WOULD have to start reading when I'd posted an entry about scarves--exciting stuff!! LOL

Oh, and I can totally show you how to add music to your blog when you come back--it's easy!

Luanne said...

Awesome story! I am glad you got to see Fuji, and a little jealous. Love and Miss you. Lu